Saturday, December 4, 2010

All flesh is grass...

"The grass withers, the flower fades,
Because the breath of the Lord blows upon it.
Surely the people are grass."
Isaiah 40:7

You know, I've heard this passage countless times in my life. 
For some reason, I don't think I ever read this verse on its own. 
When I read it as a naked verse, not dressed up by the verse before or after it,
I wonder if the imagery paints a picture something like this...

The grass and flower die because the wind blows life out of them.
People die because the Spirit (ruah) of God blows life out of them.

I've heard a lot of people say that death is not of God.  God is not a God of death, but of life.
That never really rang true for me.
And this verse seems to say otherwise.
It doesn't seem to say that death happens despite God.
It portrays God as the blower, the bringer.

Maybe most people don't feel this way, but as for me, I want to welcome the Spirit of God to blow my soul all the way to Heaven.
I want to trust that when it's my time He will take me.  Not a moment too early, not a moment too late. 
I want to welcome death as a bittersweet gift.  I want to believe that "to die is gain." 
Maybe that depends on your life.  Maybe you die well when you live well.
What I'm trying to say is this,
I want to do both.

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