Sunday, November 21, 2010

When grace comes...

I wish I could explain the feeling.  There really is nothing like it.  I remember first hearing about it years ago from a girl who was battling cancer.  As the beams of light streamed through the window behind her, she seemed to glisten, and she said ever so tenderly, "Sometimes all you can do is wait, and then there are times when you must pray for grace to wait." 
I had never thought of praying for grace.  I didn't even know what that meant. Now I understand.  It is when you are past all your capacity to live in love and at rest.  Or to do what you need to in a given situation.  You have reached the end of yourself and really don't have any strength left in you to give or maybe even to move.  You pray and ask for help.  Then you wait.  Sometimes a minute, sometimes days.   Then, out of nowhere, it might seem, grace comes.  You know it is not coming from you--you have no power to contrive such a thing.  It is a power unlike any earthly thing, and you can feel it.  Soon it washes through you and you have what it is that you need in that moment--compassion, patience, strength, mercy, insight...God gifts are always fitting. 
It is always enough for what is at hand.

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