Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Last night she prayed.  Willingly, lengthily.  Her prayer was full of life, excitement, and She prayed for her sisters, she was grateful, she asked God to help us get caught up with her flannelgraph...because she wants to learn again.  I'm trying to put my finger on it--you know--what made her change her mind about God.  How do you teach a nine year old to believe a God you can't figure out yourself?  How do you ask her to trust your trust in Him?  How do you accept your inability to make God reveal Himself to her? 
I didn't know how to do any of that.  I just decided to love her. To keep telling her I love her.  To keep telling her how much He loves her. 
It seems to have made a difference.  Something in her heart has changed, softened, least for now.  Help her to keep believing.  Teach faith to her spirit, even if her mind can't yet hold it fast.


  1. She sees and hears the love of Jesus in you! How precious His childre are to Him and tender their hearts.

  2. I'm really liking this idea! Keep going!
