Thursday, May 19, 2011

Couldn't have said it any better...

What do you say to the friend who offers the perfect soliloquy? 
To the one who hears the whisper so low only the Spirit who connects us could possibly bring it to his ear?
If I could, I would tell him that once I looked for my stars in the sky, but I've chosen now to find them in the sea.  They are wiser stars...they'll wear their years as an adornment.
I would tell him that I chose the sea over the sky, but truly the sea had been before me all the while.  I just couldn't see it for the mist. But as I made the turn I saw the path backlit all the way from the beginning.
It begets wonder.
Worthy.  A word I haven't been able to use before.  There is no revenge.  Only maybe, finally, home.   

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