Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Passing...

I am currently experiencing the dull mindedness that comes with percocet, supermotrin, and some other fun thing they put in my IV.  So you probably shouldn't expect anything eloquent tonight.
I have collected a few memories from today, along with socks with treading and a new yellow bracelet. 
1) I do not get an award today for suffering in silence.
2) Sarah's brave little assurance that she would take care of Mommy while Em went to fetch Heather will go down in Mommy Memory Land forever.  "You go, Emily, I'll take care of Mommy."  Then she came in and rubbed my head and I tried to groan quietly so as not to frighten her.
3) Ron, the EMT in the ambulance was feeling so bad that he couldn't do anything for my pain.  He kept making suggestions that were completely unhelpful, but he was so sweet I appreciated the effort. He kept saying how sorry he was he couldn't give me anything. I almost stopped complaining (OK, it was more like screaming) to try to comfort him. Then when the pain subsided and I laid there exhausted he kept asking me annoying questions.  I'm sure he was trying to make sure I hadn't passed out, but seriously, I can't remember numbers when I'm clear headed.  I kept holding up my fingers to answer his questions so he knew I was listening, but I was not about to make the effort to speak.  I did thank him, but I'm not sure he heard.  Maybe I'll take him some flowers.
4) Sam, the ER CCNP, told me my urine was unimpressive.  Hmmmm....What does impressive urine look like?
Then he told me I was the proud parent of a kidney stone.
And there is another one, even larger, in my kidney that I'm saving for a rainy day.
5) ER doctors do not have the whole bedside manner thing going for them. They should make them watch McDreamy as part of continuing education.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the drugs...tomorrow is another day...with your sweet girls at your side and sam sitting guard at your door. It seems there is never a dull moment in the journey! I do pray that it will soon pass without the pain. And silence is for meditation not excruciating pain. Sleep well. Love and prayers, Jean
