Sunday, May 8, 2011


I remember asking her once, how she could stand being pregnant for 10 years.
She laughed as if it had never occurred to her that it might be strange. Then she said, with the utmost sincerity, "Well, after a while I didn't really notice."
It's a wonder the things you can get used to.


  1. hmm, this is too cryptic for me. Gonna have to call you, I think ;)

  2. Its not meant to be cryptic.=)
    Cornelia was my grandmother...and she had 10 kids.
    I could just never figure out how it was just not a big deal to her to be pregnant all the time.
    And her response was so was just life for her...the way things were. I can't imagine it, but for her it was normal. I think a lot of us get so used to extraordinary things...and for us it becomes normal. In some instances, that may be good. It may bring life. In other situations it may not be so good...but we become so used to it we don't really even notice anymore.
